I believe wholeheartedly in the Full Moon theory and I think you would be hard pressed to find a teacher who did not. This week was a nightmare!
I pride myself on my classroom management, but this week, I was appalled at the behavior of my children, even though I was doing everything in my power to control the situation. If 2:25 this afternoon had come any later, the Love and Logic approach would have flown out of the window and been replaced by old school tactics.
It all began on Monday. A broken rule in dodge ball resulted in a physical battle of strength, followed by a power struggle.
Tuesday began with LOTS of chatter to which there was no relief. This only gained momentum as the week progressed.
One particular child began "cycling" and tested me EVERY moment of EVERY day. I do believe he spent more time calming down before I would talk to him than anything else this week.
There were tears, arguments, battles, disagreements, comments of "That's not fair!" and "I'm not doing that!"
I've had more coffee than normal, two naps this week, 2 parent conferences, dinner out every night, and the feeling of physical exhaustion in my body.
Thank the good Lord I have 30 days until the next full moon returns. Maybe, I'll get a sub.