Thursday, August 5, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

I know, I know...summer is supposed to be where I take time to relax and recharge my batteries before a new school year begins, but for some reason, I cannot do that. Right after school lets out in June, I spend a few weeks in my pajamas, drinking coffee at a leisurely pace instead of guzzling it before kiddos arrive, read a few books, and spend quality time with my husband and furry critters. But, as soon as the first Back-to-School supplies arrive in the aisles of Wal-Mart, I start making my list and checking it twice.

The brightly colored backpacks, fancy folders and pencils to match, and composition notebooks make my heart skip a beat. However, there is nothing that affects me more than a new box of crayons or markers. The sweet aroma that a box of Crayola crayons exude, takes me back to my first box of 64 count - the one with the little sharpener that didn't work very well. There is nothing in the world like having 8 blues to choose from. Forget the 8 count box. Those are for amateurs. Honestly, if that smell doesn't send you into heaven, then I think you need to check your teaching certificate at the door.

I spend the better part of July planning out my classroom on paper first and making an exhausting to-do list that will keep me on track once the day arrives when I am actually required to work. About midway through the month though, I find myself drifting into school to check things out, to just begin organizing books or supplies, to shop without care for those basic supplies.

This year I spent more time than typical, but I did have to move classrooms, but I've finally arranged things the way that I wanted. After 10 years you would think that this would be old hat, but get me into an empty classroom that needs decorating and I'm a kid in a candy store. I worked at a more leisurely pace this year because I was being very thoughtful of what I already had in my closet instead of running to The School Spot for new borders and decor. What I've ended up with is an inviting classroom that feels a bit like home (I hope) to my students. Now all I have to do is actually plan the first week and I'm good to go.

Look for pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the new school items too. I always pick up an extra crayon box because I want a new one at home! There are days that I miss teaching, but most days...I am very content. I hope you have a fantastic year!
