Sunday, August 14, 2011

Google Search Stories

The last few times I've gone to the movies I've been fascinated by the Google Search Stories that have played during the previews.  You know, the ones about dating, getting engaged, married, and then the baby.  Some have made me cry, others have made me laugh.  Well, I have discovered how to make them myself - and it is SO EASY!!! Here is my example.  

If you visit YouTube you will find lots of examples.  Click the "Create Your Own Story" button and you will be on your way.

How will I use this in my classroom:
1.  To introduce myself to my students and show how I spent my summer vacation.
2.  Have them create a search story about their own summer vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Looper,
    I love your Google Search Stories. I'm so excited that you shared that great idea with me. I'm going to make my own Google Search Story now and I'll share it with you and your class. Have a fantastic beginning of school next week. I know you and your students are going to have a FANTASTIC year.
    Fran Mauney
